I'm seeing more and more clients experiencing shoulder pain. This simple set of exercises are designed to address this. If your shoulder is particularly tender, please consult a physician before attempting this. Always start off really gently and play close attention to the feedback from your arm and shoulder. If you find this may help others, kindly share.
"Such an Intimate, touching and insightful encounter and safe place to share. Our world needs more positive vulnerable and « closer to their feelings » male role models." - Sandra (participant) Please watch and share this profoundly important conversation between Cenk Matalon and Bhaskar Goswami. www.cenkmatalon.com futureofgood.co/q-a-bhaskar-goswamiInterview with the founder of Future of Good, Vinod Rajasekaran, on the importance of wellness practices in the social impact eco system: https://futureofgood.co/q-a-bhaskar-goswami
This human body is evolutionarily not designed to sit on chairs for such excessive times as we do in modern society. This has caused an epidemic of back issues. Essentially, the heavy weight of the brain pushes down into the chair, causing the spine compress. This wonderful, simple and short practice is to keep your spine is great health. Please considering incorporating it into your daily routine, and that of your family and friends (children and elders as well!). It is also excellent as a preparation for sports. Please know that this is a general practice. If you have any significant back issues, or it feels a little tender, please consult a physician before practicing. Also, every day your body feels different, so please always start off extra gently, go at your own speed and range, and above all... enjoy the movements :) This practice is ideal for the morning so that you can enjoy an easeful, supple and strong back throughout the day! If you feel that this practice would benefit others, please comment, like and share (helps with the algorithms) _/\_ For more videos from me: www.bhaskargoswami.com |
BhaskarMusings, insights, stories and tips on skillful living. Archives
October 2024